Boston Marathon Medical Research Funding Program

The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has established a research funding opportunity for scientific researchers surrounding the Boston Marathon. The B.A.A. Medical Research Funding Program provides an annual request for proposal to conduct research at the world’s oldest annual marathon. Investigators are asked to submit scientific proposals for projects that can be conducted in conjunction with the race.

The Boston Marathon has a long-standing tradition of supporting clinical and physiologic research, with published medical studies dating back to the early 1900s. Clinical and scientific questions surrounding athlete health and performance are often studied in field projects such as organized road races. Over the last several decades, at least one study has been annually conducted in conjunction with the April event.

Successful study completion requires several key components, including:

  1. Hypothesis driven study design
  2. Thoughtful/nonintrusive subject recruitment, with IRB oversight
  3. Intimate knowledge of race weekend logistics
Program Information

All initial letters of intent received by the August 10, 2023 submission deadline will be considered by B.A.A leadership and an external panel of scientific experts. Following the letters of intent review, applicants will be chosen and notified to submit a request for full proposal (RFA). Awardees will be chosen and notified with ample time to secure institutional review board approval.

This program will provide investigators with a one-time itemized budget of up to $25,000 to complete the proposed work.

Proposals for field studies aimed at delineating key aspects of athlete health and performance are encouraged, as are studies inclusive of Para athletes and studies that examine issues related to gender and diversity. Proposals and any program questions should be emailed to for review and response by the B.A.A.

Scientific proposals will be judged based on:

  1. The scientific merits and impact of the proposed hypothesis to be tested
  2. The quality and appropriateness of the study design
  3. The ability to secure institutional review board oversight
  4. Subject recruitment, enrollment, and data collection that is thoughtful and nonintrusive
  5. Intimate knowledge of race weekend logistics
  6. Investigator(s) scientific track record 
Materials requested for initial letter of intent (Due July 28, 2023):
  1. Scientific letter of intent (1-page) which must include a clear introduction of the title, proposed study design, study hypothesis, recruitment plans and estimated sample size, and anticipated race weekend (i.e. finish line/race expo) procedures.
Materials requested for full proposal application:
  1. Cover letter summarizing proposal including documentation of which Institutional Review Board will provide study oversight
  2. Complete Scientific application (3-5 pages, 11-Point Arial Font, 1-inch margins: top, bottom, and sides) including:
    • study title
    • introduction and scientific rationale for the proposed study
    • study hypothesis statement,
    • specific aims (up to 3),
    • research plan methodology
    • recruitment plans and estimated sample size
    • statistical analysis plans
    • anticipated race weekend (i.e. finish line/race expo) procedures
    • additional funding sources that will support the proposed work above and beyond BAA funding if applicable
    • bibliography (bibliography need not be included in the 5-page limit).
  3. Itemized budget inclusive of all direct study costs (no indirect costs will be awarded)
  4. NIH-format biosketch (preferred) or CV of the principal investigator and all co-investigators

The above documents need to be submitted in the pre-specified order as a single pdf.

Tentative Boston Marathon Medical Research Funding Program Timeline:
  1. Letters of Intent Due August 10, 2023
  2. Letters of Intent Reviewed by B.A.A. – August, 2023
  3. Invitation to Submit Full Proposals – September 1, 2023
  4. Full Proposals Due – October 15, 2023
  5. Award / Decision Notification – November 15, 2023
  6. IRB approval/logistic planning – November/December, 2023
  7. IRB Approval Confirmation Due – January 15, 2024 (note that inability to secure IRB approval by this date will result in termination of award funding)
  8. Study Execution – April, 2024
  9. Post-Race Follow-up Report Due – June 15, 2024